Networked Robotic Systems
Player | Player provides a network interface to many robot and sensor hardware. Player supports multiple concurrent client connections to devices, which makes it possible for distributed and collaborative sensing and control. Click here for more information. |
Stage | Stage is capable of simulating a population of mobile robots moving and sensing in a two-dimensional environment. There are various sensor models provided, such as sonar, pan-tilt-zoom camera, scanning laser rangefinder and odometry. |
Gazebo | Gazebo is a three dimensional multi-robot simulator. Like Stage, it is capable of simulating a population of robots, sensors and objects, but does so in a three-dimensional world. |
Distributed Sensor Networks
NS-3 | NS-3 is a network simulator written in C++ which provides packet data models along with a simulation engine and visualizer. NS-3 is primary operated and executed on a Linux system with C++ and Python development tools. Beyond providing the communicating nodes, their respective network interface cards, the communication channels, protocols and topologies; NS-3 also supports the concept of an application which run upon the nodes and drive unique network simulations. Click here for more information. |
Laser Sensor
UrgBenri | UrgBenri is a software working with Hokuyo URG-04LX to view and record sensor data. Click here for more information. |
Localization System
StarGazer Monitor | StarGazer Monitor is a software working with Hagisonic StarGazer to initialize localization system and view sensor data. Click here for more information. |